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Tough Stuff Lawn MAINTENANCE

Tough Stuff Lawn MAINTENANCE

Transparent - Efficient - Tailored

Order hassle-free online without contracts.

For large sized front and backyard lawns unfenced or with gate openings at least 48". Typically larger than the standard suburban neighborhood parcel size.

Service Details:

Service includes grass cutting, weed-eating, edging, and blowing of curbs, walkways, and finished surfaces


**No more than 30 days since your last cut during the months of March-November, and 45 days Dec-Feb

How It Works:

Once you add this package or it's subscription to cart, you can proceed to checkout.

The shipping information you provide will be the address of service.

You will click the button to proceed with shipping and you will be directed to the "Local Delivery" option if you are in our service area.

You will be asked for the service area's zip code and then for your preferred service date, and we will try our best to accommodate it. Please note: in order to keep our prices affordable, we must place our services on an efficiency-focused route and can not guarantee that date. YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS OPTION UNLESS YOU VIEW CART. If you go straight to checkout, you will not be able to view the service date option.

Once you confirm payment, your order comes in to us and we will find the best placement for you on our route.

You will receive your order confirmation as well as a delivery notification when your service is complete. An additional email may come from a third party account to provide "Proof of Delivery" images, particularly for our out-of-town clients.

Residential Customers: You may also receive a "We Missed You" if your quiz response noted you must be home for the service. You may always email us for help cancelling and with subscription cancellation at any time.

You are NOT locked in to any contract. Your agreement only locks you in for paid routes not cancelled/refunded before service day, and any subscriptions can be cancelled with order cancellation.

The price you see is what you pay, assuming you are factual about the property size and acreage. If your workload is too high to justify the cost, we will eat the misquote and let you know what it will be next time. UNLESS the property qualifiers were not chosen correctly, and in this case we will let you know ahead of time. You must price your property size accurately and must choose correctly the difficulty of workload on how overgrown and unmaintained the property is. This reference is to "MAINTENANCE" vs "CASUAL CUT" (also known as irregularly serviced).

Send an email to for the quickest response, should you have any questions or need further assistance.

Regular price $85.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $85.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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Email if you received a quote you would like turned into an order/invoice. Please note replies may also come from